How I Use ChatGPT in My Airbnb Business

James Svetec Using ChatGPT in Airbnb business cover image

Today, I’m opening the door to my Airbnb operations and showing you a game-changer: ChatGPT

  1. Crafting Listings: We all hit a creative block now and then. I’ll show you how, when my well of inspiration runs dry, ChatGPT lends a hand, particularly in shaping listing headlines and descriptions. I share the specific approach I swear by that makes the guest’s hunt for information so much smoother.
  1. Messaging Mastery: Communication on Airbnb is pivotal. From check-in instructions to post-stay appreciation, I lean on ChatGPT not to *replace* the human touch, but to enhance and fine-tune my messages.
  1. Operational Insights: Beyond guest communication, there’s a world of operations behind the scenes. I tapped into ChatGPT for other essential elements related to operations and business. We dive into that as well.

As a fan of tech, I cherish the thrill of new tools. But when it merges seamlessly with efficiency? THAT’S the sweet spot. 

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Hey, what’s up guys, in today’s video, I’m going to share with you a few different ways that I leverage ChatGPT to use it in my Airbnb business. So for those who don’t know I invest in properties for Airbnb. I’ve also managed other people’s properties on Airbnb shameless plug links in the description down below for some free trainings to learn more about how to do that yourself. But for me, ChatGPT is a pretty useful tool when it comes to managing and investing in properties for Airbnb. And so I want to do a quick video just sharing with you a few of the different ways that I use it in my day to day. So let’s just dive right in and get started with it. And if you liked this video, if you get value from it, if you enjoy, please, at any point, just hit that little like button down below, it really does help me out a lot with growing this channel getting these videos in front of more people. So let’s jump into it. The first and most obvious easy way that I use ChatGPT in my Airbnb business, is for writing actual Airbnb listing headlines and descriptions. So I like to I already have a format that I follow for how I write a really good winning Airbnb title and Airbnb listing description, how I structure all the details that I give to guests, and also for writing captions underneath photos. But what I found is that sometimes my creative juices just aren’t flowing as well as I’d like them to be. And so the nice thing about using ChatGPT is I can actually give them I can feed into ChatGPT what my preferred structure is. So for example, with my listing description, I always like to have bullet point lists, so that I’ll have a heading for each one of the rooms in the property. And then bullet points for exactly what amenities there are, what different extras and things there are in that room. For me, I really like that because it makes it really, really easy for the guests to gather the information they’re looking for sure, if you write a big long paragraph, it can you know, just flow better communicate things more. But it makes it a lot harder for the guests to find the answer to their question, if they just want to know what size the bed is in one of the bedrooms, you don’t want them having to scan a big wall of text and whole bunch of paragraphs to get that information. And so what we’ve found is that you’ll get much higher conversion rates on your Airbnb listing, if you structure it in a more bullet point form way. And so there’s things like that where I have preferred structure, but I just want to have some more creative input essentially. And so ChatGPT is really great for that I can tell it exactly what I want in terms of how I want the actual listing description written. And then just ask it to write the description for me. I can also feed it a whole bunch of information about the property and asked me to make a headline for an Airbnb listing that is limited to X number of characters because with Airbnb listing descriptions are the listing headlines rather, it’s super important to communicate as much value about the property as possible in unlimited number of characters. And so I can get help from ChatGPT with that same thing with the about the property, there’s a little bit that’s above before the guest actually clicks on the view more details, they only get like a paragraph about the property description. And so I want that description to be really jam packed with value. And I want to communicate why this guest should book this property to learn more about it to stay at that kind of thing. And so really that paragraph I want to master it so that I can get a higher conversion rate. So reading those things ChatGPT really really great for that’s a pretty easy and obvious use case for now the other thing I like using ChatGPT for that’s a little bit less obvious is all my message templates, I like to use it to just refine and improve my message templates for any of the check in messages, checkout messages, post a messages, check in messages. So when I kind of touch base with a guest after their first night or if I have frequently asked questions, and I just want to recount you know kind of refine my answers to those chats up to you can be really, really great for that as well. Now another use case I found for that is exceptional is helping me to write two things. Guys just want to take a quick break here to say that for those of you watching who want to build cashflow, and long term wealth by purchasing Airbnb ease and short term rental properties, there’s a link in the description right down below for a free training that will walk you through my exact strategy for investing successfully in Airbnb s. Now if you’re not ready to actually buy properties, and you want to get started managing other people’s properties on Airbnb the same way I got started and build a full time income managing other people’s properties. There’s actually another free training linked in the description down below as well, that will be a really great fit for you. So whether you want to invest in short term rental properties and actually build amazing cash flow and long term wealth by acquiring the assets, buying the properties themselves, or you’re looking to earn a full time income managing other people’s properties on Airbnb, we’ve got some awesome trainings that are linked in the description down below. That will definitely help you out. When you sign up for the trainings. We’re also going to send you a few other tools and resources completely for free just to help you get started. Again, the links to sign up are in the description down below. And both trainings and all the two roles are completely free. So make sure to register for the trainings, links in the description down below. Now another use case I found for it that is exceptional is helping me to write two things, one job descriptions and two operations manuals or guidelines SOPs for the people on my team. So I put together a video recently on this channel, if you haven’t checked out, I’d recommend it for some tips to help you to automate outsource your guests communication. Now when I in that video, I explain how I do a job posting for gas communication person that I like to hire once I’ve got a lot of the automation sorted out. And then I’d like to provide that person also with standard operating manuals. So they know exactly how to go about their role on a day to day basis. Now reading both of those things, the job description and the operations manual are pretty tedious and time consuming, if I’m honest. And so in order to do that much, much more quickly, more efficiently, and just frankly, do a way better job than I would otherwise do on my own. I love to use ChatGPT for that. So what’s really cool is that I can just input Hey, I’ve got a job description. This is what I’m looking for. This is the ideal person. And these are the hours of the pay that kind of thing in the ChatGPT and say write me a job description, it’s going to write a phenomenal job description. And that’s how, again, when I mentioned briefly in that other video that when I posted my most recent job opening for guests munication person, I got several 100 applications from people interested in that position. And so a well written job description can mean that you attract more highly qualified, highly skilled candidates who are interested in your role, which means you’re gonna get a better person that you actually end up hiring is gonna do a better job and be just overall better to work with. That’s one thing that I really, really love about ChatGPT, is just being able to write that do really, really well for anything that’s more standardized, like a job description, it tends to do a really, really phenomenal job of it. Same thing on the operations manual, I can just explain to what the role is, I can put in my my current operations manual, if I have one and just get to refine it, or I can just say, hey, write me an Operations Manual for our guests communication person for Airbnb. And then I can basically go off of that and keep on refining it and working with different prompts to get exactly what I’m looking for. So those are a few of the most common ways that I use it. You can also if you’re doing property management, use it to improve improve your messaging for things like marketing, for your website for your outreach messages that you might be saying to people, that can all be really really useful as well. If you’re looking for investors to partner with you can help it to right you your messaging or your your website, again for how to actually attract those investors. There’s so many use cases for ChatGPT. And I find that a lot of the things that are more creative like marketing copy or sales copy, those can be really good with the right prompts and just help to get your creative juices flowing a bit better. And then for anything that’s less creative, and more just operational, it just does a phenomenal job. It’s just so easy to plug that into ChatGPT btw, and just have it spit out something that’s probably miles better than what you if you’re anything like me would have done on your own without it and just a small fraction of the time. So those are some some of the most common ways that I use ChatGPT in my business day to day. I’d love to know from you down in the comment section down below if there are other ways that you use ChatGPT for your Airbnb business that you’ve found exceptionally helpful. Again, just let me know in the comment section down below. If you enjoyed this video, you got value from it. If it was helpful to you in any way shape, or form, please take a half a second and just hit the like button down below this video helps me to get these videos in front of more people and just helps me to grow this channel. So I do really, really appreciate it. The small thing that you can do that honestly does mean really make a really big difference to me and mean a lot to me. So thank you so much for doing that. And then last but not least, if you’re new to the channel here or you haven’t yet subscribed, just make sure you hit this subscribe button to stay up to date with the two new videos you post every single week here on the channel. With all that being said, thanks so much for watching, and I’ll see you in the next video.

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